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75 weeks pregnant, negative everything, no belly , but a 7 lb 7oz baby!



After having endured prodromal labor for weeks, Amanda went into labor at 8 pm on the 23 of February 2017 and gave birth four hours later at 12am on Friday 24th Of February 2017. Amanda’s active labor lasted for 4 hours, however, her water had broken two days before in the midst of prodromal labor.  Amand gave birth to a baby girl weighing 7 pound , 7 ounces and barely looked as if she were pregnant at all!  The belly pictures were taken one week before the birth of her daughter.  Amanda was 75 weeks pregnant and not confirmed until she gave birth, having negative HCG blood and urine tests, and multiple negative ultrasounds.

"Well I was in a lot a pain and I went in an ambulance because I fainted first so my boyfriend called an ambulance.  When I got to the hospital I believe I was already dilated 5 cm. They took me to see a doctor but I was in so much pain I could barely speak to her so she did an exam and realized I was dilated 6 cm by then.  They rushed me up to labor and delivery and I let them know I was in labor.  The only issue was that they couldn't tell how far along I was in my pregnancy.  After a couple contractions it was time to push and before I knew it, she was born. They wanted to hold off the labor at first because they weren't sure how far along I was but before they knew it, I was 8 cm dilated and there was nothing stopping what was happening.  The doctors are all sort of confused right now they don't understand how this happened themselves.  They are baffled by it all.

She was born at 12 in the morning, my beautiful miracle baby.  What a blessing she is to me and this world!  I thank God so much for giving me such a beautiful gift.  I might have had to go through so much to bring her into this world, but I present to you Aubrey!  I was 75 weeks pregnant when she was born today.  My boyfriend was floored!  He said that his heart stopped when he saw her head, and when she finally came out he nearly fainted. He's okay now he just can't keep asking the doctors how this happened and he can't seem to put her down right now.  He said to me that he is afraid also, that if he puts her down and goes to sleep he will wake up and this all will be a dream and I kinda feel the same way too."

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